Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Scarfed out last night

Friday, September 11th, 2009

Yesterday I worked late and I was really hungry when I got home.  Plus there were these awesome little fried fish that I couldn’t stop munching on.  I am pretty sure they were bad for me. 

Late Dinner + Good Food + Hungry = Bad

It looks like it is getting much harder to lose weight.  A lot of things are getting in the way of a good workout.  Working late, fixing the house, kids school, daylight hours diminishing.  How do I compensate?  Maybe switch to the gym?

I did hit the gym yesterday.  But I kept looking at the time because I knew I had some work that evening.

Anyway my run was poor today as well, my time for 2 laps was 28:33.75

Tomorrow’s weigh in fills me with fear.  I need to get under 266, I do have a heavy gym workout and a 4+ to run tomorrow.  It is highly possible.

At least I can clearly say I am under 270.

Weight: 268.4

Slowly back in the groove

Thursday, September 10th, 2009

Yesterday, as the day went on, it became clear I needed to rest.  As noted, I skipped my morning workout, but in the evening, I did not go to the gym.  I just did not feel well.  Instead I went home a little early from work, took an hour nap and ran a mile and walked a mile.

Also I setup gallery photo on my internal server.  I looked at some past pics and to be honest I cannot tell if I am losing.   Based on my weigh in’s, and when the photo’s were taken, I been losing 7 lbs a month.  Which is realistic, but won’t get me to my 250 goal by October 20th.   Worse is it translates to only 84 lbs in 1 year, putting me at about 211 lbs for summer next year, missing my goal by 20 lbs.

More interesting is that usually your rate of weight loss will deccelarate as your weight drops.

So is all hope of making weight lost? 

Not really, I got couple things going for me.  The big one is that I am lifting weights and adding a protein shake to my diet.  That does add weight and I’ve never done it on a regular basis before.  It is possible that I will start to lose more fat, which is the real goal not weight, as time moves on.

Another one is that my weigh with my photo’s are not the lowest weight point of the week.

Finally, I am evolving, both mentally and physically.  I am learning what to do and my body is getting better at it.

Weight: 267.4

Finally got a watch and stopped snoring

Sunday, September 6th, 2009

Today is Sunday, so as usual it is a late workout.  But its cool because I ran a 1+3, ran it in exactly 57.0 minutes.  I will start to time my runs now.  First I will see what I normally run it in then I will start setting goals.

I felt like I got have run a little faster than 57 minutes.  I did encounter  a couple longer stop lights and weather was certainly poor.  There was a light rain.  But I think the thing that slowed me down the most was sharing those 3 bottles of mine with my brother in law Rick. 

Yesterday my wife surprised me.  She said that I do not snore as loud anymore.  That is truly noteworthy.  It did not occur to me that I would stop snoring.

I am behind schedule, I hope I can make it to 260 in 2 weeks.  There is leeway, but I need to push hard.  Today is not so bad.  It is a late weigh in.

Weight: 267.8

Broke through the plateau

Saturday, September 5th, 2009

This is incredible.  I haven’t seen this type of weight for a while now.   I feel so good.

I went for a 1+3 run (where I actually ran 3 miles) today.  This is a lte weigh in mind you.

When I left which was t 12:15 I weighed in at 268.2.  That itself is great.

I got back into the house at 1:30, check it out below.  This renews my chances of making 250 by Oct 20.

That’s six and a half weeks.  Doable if today’s weight is where I really am at.  To be honest, I think it should be higher.

Weight: 265.4

Unofficial Weigh In

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

As promised, I was going to weigh myself when I got home.  But it is not official.  Sad thing is that this feels like my weight.

Unofficial: 269.0

Am I hitting a wall

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009

Not sure if I am, one of the reasons I track my weight.  I may need to up my workout or do something to change my pattern to fool my body.

Yesterday I barely ate.  But it could be the new vitamins or protein drink I am taking.

I am considering doing more treadmill or hitting the gym more.  It makes sense as it gets darker and colder.

Tonight I am hitting gym as well.

Seriously, if I do not start breaking 270 by this time next week, I will hit treadmill and or bike just to change it up.

Weight: 271.0

Wow found another gem from a long time ago

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

So here’s a little known thing I haven’t mentioned.

Since Jan 1st, 2002 I have only missed 1 day of working out.  But the lower end workouts were simply pushups and situps.  My oh my how long this has been.

Here is the document I found:

My goal for 2002
Run Marathon #5 (Hopfully Honolulu Marathon)
Weight in June 230
Weight in December 210
Average 1000 Calories a day
Log 1000 Miles running
2 Miles 17 Minutes.
5 Miles 1 hour

January 1, 2002
Weight 258,258,255

January was what I would call the initiation month.  This month my body creaked and did not want to move.  I had to break down barriers of lazyness.  Luckily I did.  They say after 3 weeks it becomes routine, I can confirm this.  After 4 weeks 1 mile is nothing.  Although weight loss was not spectacular, my level of workout increase was.  At the end of the month 1000 Cal per day is achievable.  Combined with my BMR of about 2300, I can eat comfortably and still lose weight.

February 1, 2002
Weight 249,252,250

February I began the month great, I was really cranking out the calories.  My endurance was high, unfortunately I tapered off towards the end.  This can be catogrized as the endurance month.  I would like to reclaim that 1000 Cal per day goal again.  During the month of March though, I would like to increase my speed.

March 2, 2002
Weight 246,243,245

 Recall in my last unofficial post I was 268.  Man I got a LOOONG way to go.

One final note, I have pictures… but I am not ready to show those yet.

Bummer Overslept

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

Last night I drank some wine and woke up late this morning.  Maybe its a good thing, I needed the rest.

Anyway, I am gonna make it up tonight with a 1+3.   Also I am taking the bus to work which does add 2 more miles.

It is a bummer though, cause I have hit a record weight.

Weight:  272.6

Late workout today

Sunday, August 16th, 2009

Decided to take a break from the morning workout today.  I will still do an evening or afternoon workout.

I think Sunday’s may start to be this way.  Where I have a late workout.

Weight: 275.6

Been busy lately

Saturday, August 15th, 2009

Man its been a tough week.  I alot of things happened at work.  At home we have a leak in the basement and that has to be fixed.  This server that hosts this blog needs a serious upgrade.

Also the least heat wave has uncovered some vulnerabilities.

I had a late workout today, so I could take care of some those items

Still had a decent run.  There still a lot of work to do though.   After todays weigh in I think I can make my goal of being under 270 before my aunt gets back and being at 265 before the NFL football season starts.

Weight: 274.6