Slowly back in the groove

Yesterday, as the day went on, it became clear I needed to rest.  As noted, I skipped my morning workout, but in the evening, I did not go to the gym.  I just did not feel well.  Instead I went home a little early from work, took an hour nap and ran a mile and walked a mile.

Also I setup gallery photo on my internal server.  I looked at some past pics and to be honest I cannot tell if I am losing.   Based on my weigh in’s, and when the photo’s were taken, I been losing 7 lbs a month.  Which is realistic, but won’t get me to my 250 goal by October 20th.   Worse is it translates to only 84 lbs in 1 year, putting me at about 211 lbs for summer next year, missing my goal by 20 lbs.

More interesting is that usually your rate of weight loss will deccelarate as your weight drops.

So is all hope of making weight lost? 

Not really, I got couple things going for me.  The big one is that I am lifting weights and adding a protein shake to my diet.  That does add weight and I’ve never done it on a regular basis before.  It is possible that I will start to lose more fat, which is the real goal not weight, as time moves on.

Another one is that my weigh with my photo’s are not the lowest weight point of the week.

Finally, I am evolving, both mentally and physically.  I am learning what to do and my body is getting better at it.

Weight: 267.4

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