Archive for the ‘Misc’ Category

Canadian Miles are Longer than US Miles

Saturday, August 1st, 2009

So my last post was about 35 hours ago.   Yesterday was a sharp contrast to today.

Yesterday I went to bed at 3:30AM and got up at 7AM.  I ran a 1+3, then had some cereal for breakfast.

During the day I skipped lunch and had yogurt instead.  In the after noon I worked out at the gym for an hour.

I still had some fair energy when I got home.  But after a light dinner I was really beat.  I knew also that we had to drive 3 hours from Seattle to Vancouver.  Mercifully my wife drove the first 2 hours and I was spared.

So you can see Friday was pretty brutal.  What the opposite Sat, I slept in, we did go to Elizabeth Park so the kids could get wet, but when I got home, I slept some more.

Route I run when in Vancouver BC
Route I run when in Vancouver BC

I did do a pretty decent route.  Twice in fact.  Which was nearly 5 miles. 

I treated it like a 1+3 where I just ran the first mile. 

But the interesting with that first mile is that a lot of it is on gravel.  I could not run fast, also I felt like I was running on wet pavement where my traction was not great.  Kind of like running the opposite direction on an escalator.

So it did feel like the route was longer than it should have been. 

Finally, based on my mp3 player I was running longer time wise.

Not sure my route tomorrow.

Also no weigh in today… I am so curious what it will be on Tuesday when I will be able to do an official weigh in.

My Feet

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

OK finally get to post this.  I have been wrestling with two failed VMware Servers.  Most of the critical VM’s are up, just got 1 VM I need to get up.

Anyway, as you know a major exercise I have been doign is running and walking.  It puts a lot of strain on your feet.  One day I was talking to my buddies at work Nate and Andrew and they said I should go see a store that will get me fitted for shoes.

If you guys know me, you know I came from a blue collar background.  Yes I do work in a white color field but I am used to going to Walmart or Costco and putting shoes on and if it fits… its good.

So when I went to this shoe store called Fleet Feet Sports in Bonney Lake, I was not sure what to expect.

But a gal named Linda really made me feel comfortable.  She made me run on a treadmill and recorded my gait.  She also measured my foot both sitting and standing.  I tried several shoes first, and settled on a pair of New Balance Shoes.

She let me run with the shoes on to see how it felt.  She then got me a pair of inserts that fit the way I walk.  She trimmed them to size and put them in my shoes for me.  Then had me pick out a pair of socks that will wick out the sweat.

I learned quite a bit there, how much my feet sweat, how to relieve that first step pain in the morning, how often to change shoes and how to tell when they are worn.

Overall she gave me an hour of her time to make sure I left there with the right shoes.  I don’t think Walmart or even Sports Authority would give me that kind of attention.

I would recommend people check them out.

My Conviction

Monday, July 13th, 2009

So I went for an evening walk in the rain.  Seems kind of foolish but I had to do it.  Why?  Because if I didn’t then reasons to not work out would come easily.

This light rain should not be enough to to stop me from working out.  Granted, I could run on our treadmill at home or go to the gym at work.  But this walk in the rain was to prove to myself I am willing to do what it takes.

Thunder did start and in the future that will be one of those safety issues that does stop me.  But for now, I know a little rain will not.

My Second Try at the Gym

Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

OK, the first workout at the gym at work was not a real workout.  More like seeing what the machines could do.

Today was a little more real.

After a 10 minute treadmill warm up, I hit the weights.  I benched the bar which is only 45 lbs but it was more to work on form.

I then hit the dips, and finally did some curls.  While doing curls my arms started to cramp.  Ouch, I guess I need to work into it slower.  I really like the gym and need to figure out how I can work it into my schedule.  Also will get a book on yoga tomorrow just to see what I need to know.

Shall I do Yoga

Monday, July 6th, 2009

So there huge psychological barrier at 282 lbs.

Last year I could not break it for 3 months. So maybe a change of activity will be in order to “trick” my body.

My little clique at work consisting of Abbie, Alison, and Rob are all saying I should try yoga. I am resisting the idea because I am fat, I don’t want to embarass myself, and generally, my workouts are a private thing. (Please open a curves for men).

We’ll see though, if I can hit 240 without Yoga I think I’ll feel better with my self esteem when I do try to twist my body.

To Yoga or Not to Yoga

Monday, July 6th, 2009

Well I am closing in on 282lb which is a psychological barrier for me. You see last year I hit 282 and from March to June, I could not break that weight.

So the other members of my little clique at work consisting of Abbie, Alison, and Rob is recommending that I take Yoga to help with my breating and sleep apnea.

I think this may be a step I should take to break the monotony of my workout. The issue I have is that I want to be lighter (hopefully more flexible) when I do join because it would be a big blow to my self esteem if I “tear something”

I was hoping to be around 240 when I begin flexing on a a yoga mat.

We’ll see though.

A Wild 36 hours

Saturday, July 4th, 2009

So I did not post anything yesterday and it is already late today.

What happened?  Life did.

We have this data center facility we rent out from Internap which sits in a building called the Fisher Plaza.  At 11:15 PM a fire broke out and knocked out power in the building.

We convened via phone bridge, and I was called to Fisher Plaza at 3AM.  Where I stayed till about 5PM.  I got home for a little rest and did a bunch of Push Ups and Sit Ups.  I then went back at 8 where I stayed till 10:30.  Went home and back the next day at 6AM.

Today I was there till 12PM where things finally went back to normal.  It was a brutal experience mentally and physically.

So you can say I did excuse myself for Friday.   But today I still did run 1/2 mile and walk 1.5.

Unofficial Weight 289.6

Measuring how far the course you run is

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

I’ve been running the same boring route.  My cube neighbor ad work, Andrew, who is an avid cyclist turned me on to an awesome site.

Awesome site that can plan a route, calculate distance and estimate calories burned.  Already planned a new 4 mile route for Friday morning.

Signed up for the Fitness Center at work.

Thursday, June 25th, 2009

My buddy Nate took me on a tour of our workplace gym. I must say was impressed.

So I signed up today, I think I’ll get a better workout this winter with the gear there.

Started Using Lipo 6

Thursday, June 25th, 2009

Lost weight with this before. I stopped cause I wasn’t sure of what it was doing to my body. Pretty sure this is just caffeine
