Canadian Miles are Longer than US Miles

So my last post was about 35 hours ago.   Yesterday was a sharp contrast to today.

Yesterday I went to bed at 3:30AM and got up at 7AM.  I ran a 1+3, then had some cereal for breakfast.

During the day I skipped lunch and had yogurt instead.  In the after noon I worked out at the gym for an hour.

I still had some fair energy when I got home.  But after a light dinner I was really beat.  I knew also that we had to drive 3 hours from Seattle to Vancouver.  Mercifully my wife drove the first 2 hours and I was spared.

So you can see Friday was pretty brutal.  What the opposite Sat, I slept in, we did go to Elizabeth Park so the kids could get wet, but when I got home, I slept some more.

Route I run when in Vancouver BC
Route I run when in Vancouver BC

I did do a pretty decent route.  Twice in fact.  Which was nearly 5 miles. 

I treated it like a 1+3 where I just ran the first mile. 

But the interesting with that first mile is that a lot of it is on gravel.  I could not run fast, also I felt like I was running on wet pavement where my traction was not great.  Kind of like running the opposite direction on an escalator.

So it did feel like the route was longer than it should have been. 

Finally, based on my mp3 player I was running longer time wise.

Not sure my route tomorrow.

Also no weigh in today… I am so curious what it will be on Tuesday when I will be able to do an official weigh in.

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