Four Week Mark

So time for a little reflection since I am closing in on the 1 month mark.

First off, after today’s weigh in, I am losing about 2.9 lbs a week.  I hope to sustain that (or even exceed it) at least till my son gets back from Hawaii in exactly 3 weeks.

Second, another thing I am noticing is that I am ignoring other aspects of my life, my finances and my business.  I do still give time to my family.  But at some point I am going to have to return time to other parts of my life.

Third, I sleep well.  No need for ambien.

Finally, I been going hard, I wonder when I will have to let my body really rest and get a chance to heal.

Today’s workout was good, I did a 1+3 again.  I recall somewhere that longer workouts burn fat.  I am researching it more to see what the best course is to burn fat.

For now

Weight: 283.8

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