
Hard to say much.  Also kind of late for work so need to make this short.

Anyway, I am late because I thought I could fit in a 1+3 before I go in.   At first, I thought it was a mistake, my run was slower than usual, my legs could not go, also other than hot weather, conditions were good.  I was breathing OK, maybe I did not get a good sleep.  I don’t know.  The were was not spectacular.

Then I got home.

Wow… weighed in and it is below as usual.  But I took off my sweat soaked shirt for an unofficial weight… 276.2

Yeah the official is higher, also I’m pretty sure a lot of it is water.  Need to consider that a gallon of water weighs slightly more than 8 pounds.

But here it is…

Weight: 277.6

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