Drinking alcohol last night slowed me a bit

But it did not stop me from setting a new record.

Conditions were good for a run but a bit cold.  I did wear extra clothes and gloves so I am sure that affected me a bit.  But I think what affected me the most was some drinking I did last night.  It was a little with the intent to help me sleep.

But the next morning it sure did make me want to use the bathroom.  So in that way, it helped me trim some weight. (No I did not barf).  But it did run counter to hydrating and the sleep was not all that good.

Another thing I did before the run was massage my right foot which has plantar fasciitis by rolling it over a relatively heavy galvanized pipe.

All that resulted in a new record for the 4+, 45:17.   It was a good run, gmap pedometer says this route is 4.3819 miles, that means I am running my mile in 10 minutes 20 seconds.  Not fast considering I have had times when I was running a mile under 7 minutes, but pretty darn good from when I could barely run 1/2  a mile.

Another milestone is my weight.  Huge huge huge.  This makes 240 by end of November possible, and 230 by end of year possible as well.

Weight: 253.0

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