Went to dietician today

I went to see a dietician today.  It was a real pleasure.  I learned quite a bit.

Here is Some Information I collected

My Cholestrol Info

April 09
Weight: 305
Cholestrol: 251
Triglicerides: 130
HDL: 59
LDL: 166

October 09
Weight: 257
Cholestrol: 213
Triglicerides: 85
HDL: 62
LDL: 134

From this information, she has determined that I have had good progress.   Of all the numbers only the LDL is of real concern.  It would be good if we can get it down to under 130, and even better if I can get it down to 100.

She said I should try to get my Fat grams down to 60 g. a day.  She also mentioned I could go to a site called Calorie King, to get nutritional information on what I eat.  I will begin tracking my weight next week.

I should get to a BMI of 19.5 to 25 and a fat percentage of 20 to 25.   The taping method should work best for my situation in calculating fat.

Finally she recommended F.I.T.T to break through my wall

F – Frequency, I work out 7 days a week with 2 of those days are double workouts.  In a way, I should reduce my workout to get rest.

I – Intensity, this is how hard I work out, she recommended hills and wind sprints.

T – Time, how long I work out.  I guess I could work out longer.

T – Type, moving from running to video workouts does change the type of workout.

Anyway, it was a good day.

I tried the Julian Michaels video again.  It does kick my butt.

Weight: 253.2

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