Archive for October, 2009

Good Gym workout today

Monday, October 12th, 2009

I worked out in the gym at work this morning, I burned over 1000 calories which is awesome.  While I was on the treadmill though I was thinking how my schedule is going to change the next few weeks.

All but my oldest son are leaving for a trip to Hawaii next week.  I will work from home a few of those days, but I will not have the good access to a gym like I previously had.

I weighed in after my gym workout to get an unofficial weight.  I was shocked it was 251.  Unfortunately it is not official.  Here it is

Weight: 256.0

Probably last day in Canada for a while

Sunday, October 11th, 2009

So I ran the Central Park run twice today and had a decent time.  It was not quite 5 mile but I did get a time of 54:06.

I like running this route but I have a feeling it will be a while before I can run this route again.  I like this route because it is different, relatively flat and the scenery is nice.   Who knows, maybe I will get another chance this year but it is unlikely.  There is a chance that I will run it before the year is out.

No weight today, but when I got home I did jump an the scale and it was 259.  Not official so I will not dwell on it.  I am working out in the office gym tomorrow morning so my weight will not be the normal weigh in after my workout.

My next work out that I can weigh in will be Tuesday.

Feel cold but my body feels warm

Saturday, October 10th, 2009

Something interesting is happening with my body, lately it has been feeling like I was heating up inside but I was feeling cold.

Let me elaborate, although I do not feel sick, I feel like my body is heated up like a have a fever.  Also I feel cold like I need an extra layer of clothes. 

Multiple people have told me this may be because my metabolism has kicked it up a notch which is good.  I may be finally burning more and more calories (hopefully fat) because my body is trying to heat itself up and keep it going.

I am relatively excited at this new development in my body.  This upcoming Friday I will meet with my regular doctor for a physical.  One of the things I want to bring up is this heated feeling I am getting.

Pretty good route today

Saturday, October 10th, 2009
Long Canada 8 Mile Run

Long Canada 8 Mile Run

I’m in Canada again today, so I ran a similar route I have been running in the past.  This time I went a little farther.  I run Central Park twice and walked to a street called Naniamo and back to the starting point.

Google Pedometer says this was an 8.2336 mile route.  More than half was running because the run around central park was nearly 5 miles.  The segment from Naniamo and back was a walk.

Unfortunately I am not near my scale today.  I am pretty sure I knocked off some significant weight and would have been nice to see.

Speaking of weight, I am going to do a special post or even page regarding fluctating weight.

No Adverse Effects from Last night

Friday, October 9th, 2009

So last night’s outing w/ coworkers was not too bad.  I survived.

I did drink something called a Jaeger Bomb, where Jagermeister is dropped into a larger glass of Red Bull.

Anyway, I got home at about 9PM fell quickly asleep but woke up WIDE awake at 1AM and could not sleep again till 4AM.

I was supposed to work out at 6AM but wasn’t able to till 8AM.  I am tired today but I did have a good workout in the gym.

So this weight is preworkout, but official.  There won’t be any more workouts for the rest of the day.

I will be in Canada the next 2 days so I will not have a weigh in but I should have a daily post.

Weight: 257.8

Happy Hour Drinks Today

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

After work today I am going to have some drinks with a few coworkers to celebrate on of their birthday.

It’s going to be interesting because I am finally back under 260 and its may affect my weight.

Here’s the thing, although I have a goal and am agressively persuing it, I do not want it to affect some of the joys in life.  Like last week when I went to that Issaquah Salmon Festival.  Still there must be balance.

Today is kind of a rest day but I did have an excellent morning run, my 2 mile came in at 26:06 which is not a record but pretty good.

Weight: 257.4

Back in the groove

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

Looks like I am back on track, I did have a pretty good gym workout today.

Burned over a 1000 calories this morning.

Unfortunately, my weight is still bad.  But this was a gym workout and the weigh in was before the workout.  We’ll see tomorrow after my short AM run.

Weight: 260.6

Do I need to go back in Lipo 6?

Tuesday, October 6th, 2009

My weight seems to have settled ABOVE 260.   You know I notice a day or two after I stopped Lipo 6 it went up.  Furthermore I find myself snacking more.

Lipo 6 really does control my appetite.  So I will but another bottle of it.

Ran 2 miles this morning and hitting gym later.  My time was good, I attribute it to yesterdays rest.  I probably could have done better if I had more sleep.  But since not only did I rest yesterday, but did not work, I should not feel as sleepy.

Weight: 260.2


Monday, October 5th, 2009

Title says it all, I too tired to keep running at peak.  Today I have taken the day off from work.  I was not going to take the day of from working out, but after my first and only 1 mile run, it was clear me body just could not do it.

It is evidenced by my mile run 16:05.74

So I am consciously taking a break.   Maybe a 2 mile walk this evening.

What caused this?  Couple things, I stated I stopped taking Lipo 6 which gives me energy, my foot hurts because I think my shoes need to be replaced after over 300 miles of travel, I pigged out over the past 3 days, and I am paying the price now, also last night I took an ambien so I could sleep.

Finally and this one is probably the factor that overrides the rest, I need to take care of some personal things.  They just need to be done, and it has been bothering me.  It is a bug in the back of my head, that is mentally slowing me down.

Today is that day I resolve a bunch of those issues.

Weight: 260.2

Wow how did this happen?

Sunday, October 4th, 2009

Well pretty disappointed with myself.  I guess it started Friday when I ate more than I wanted.  Since then I lost control.  Went to Issaquah Salmon thing, and ate more than usual (but not too bad) for Sunday.  But hopefully the start of the week will put me back on track. 

Late workout today, I did a 4+ run, amazing, I thought I was gonna have a crappy time, but amazing how the need to pee suddenly boosts your speed.   My run was 52:30, pretty sure I could have cracked 50:00 if there weren’t 2 long lights I had to wait for. 

I’m not in panic mode yet. 

Weight: 261.4