Archive for April, 2010

Forgot what a morning run was like

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

A morning run really gets you going, I started a run this morning and I struggled through the first lap telling myself just one.

Then I got going and really felt like doing another.

Unfortunately I did not sleep early and felt the effects later on during the day.

Before I did my evening gym workout I had to close my eyes for a few minutes.

I made it through my gym workout (amazing how much I can bench now) and when I got home, quickly passed out after dinner.

Tomorrow is a 1000 cal workout so I need to catch the first bus out, so I may not be getting the sleep I need again.

Weigh in was done under official conditions, after AM workout and morning bathroom, before breakfast.  I really think this is my true weight.

Weight: 249.4

A 5k in May

Monday, April 19th, 2010

My buddy Rob told me of his plans to run a 5k in May.  I may join him and consider it a “Warm Up” for the Half Marathon in June.

So today I thought I would try a 5k for fun.  Basically I added another lap to my two lap.

My two lap was 24:14.45, pretty good.  But I think I was conserving some of it for the 3rd lap.

My overall time was 36:57, which is less than a 12 minute mile because a lap is about 1.1 miles.

We’ll see it is on May 23.  I hope my older son or my wife will join me.

Speaking of running, it is becoming clear I have to run greater distances to make it for the half marathon.  I have Linuxfest this weekend and will schedule longer running after that.

Weight: 249.8

Working out with a partner

Sunday, April 18th, 2010

I usually workout solo.  I like the focus and time to myself.  It is a time where I burn off steam and can contemplate.  Once and a while I will work out with someone else and it is fun, usually time goes by faster.

Today is unusual in that this is the first time this entire year that I recorded I have worked out with my wife.

She has lost a lot of weight.  Before this blog started.  But during the past few months she has gained a bit, not a lot, but enough where she has upped the intensity and frequency of her workouts.

So today, after her treadmill run she joined me in the workout video.  She did not do the entire thing, but she did most of it.

It was really enjoyable.  We have to do it again.  I have to mark this day as a milestone.

Weight: 251.2

Weight Makes a difference in running

Saturday, April 17th, 2010

I am not sure why but I did gain several pounds over the past week.   I will closely monitor it the next few days.

Recall last week I ran the 4+ in 47:59, today I ran it in today

Four Plus 48:33

Plus I had only 1 stop so it is worse than it looks.  I did do a a warm up lap and cool down lap, I started at 3:30 and ended at 4:49:20, round it up to 80 minutes and my average is under 12 minutes at 11.72 minutes.  So maybe I did get a better overall.

Next weekend I have Linuxfest to attend.  I will be working out earlier and may call next week Saturday and do a heavy workout on Friday which will include a 4+.  I am considering the route I ran today as a new timed route forcing me to run longer to get my body ready for the marathon.

Next time I willl try to be aware and not eat before my run.

Weight: 251.4

Spike in weight

Friday, April 16th, 2010

(Another Late Post)

Not sure why, maybe its the snacking, lower intensity workout, or diet, but my body seems to feel heavier.

I hope it is just bloat.  Spoke to Paul at work today, he said I should cut out rice.  I know that will be really hard to do.

I do feel stronger, healther, and faster.  There is an issue with allergies, possibly pollen.

They scale at work on Wednesday did say 240 and todays scale at home said

Weight: 253.4

Walked a lot today

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

At work we have incentives to do healthy things like a Doctors Physical, Quit Smoking, Donate blood etc.

One of those things is to walk 10000 steps a day.   Normally I blow that number away, but today was an off day.  I still think I blew it away though.  If I recall correctly, 2000 steps is a mile, and on a normal day, if I do not include my workout, or walking to the bus, I travel about 4 miles.

Today I did walk to the bus, that’s about 2 miles.  Also I walked to a restaurant which was about 1 mile away, finally in the evening I walked 1 lap, ran 1 and walked another one.  Those laps are slightly more than a mile (1.1)  So I walked over 6 miles today in addition to the 4 miles I normally do.

Not bad for a rest day.

Today’s weigh in is kind of skewed because it was close to after I had dinner (but after I did those 3 laps).  I do feel this weight but I would say I probably am lighter than this.

Weight: 253.0

Dehydrated after workout

Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

(Another late post)

I had another 1000 calorie workout.  One thing I noticed is that I am really tired afterwards.  But this time I had some water and felt great.

Moral of the story… drink water constantly.

I already knew that but have to practice what I preach.

Weight: 249.6

Hard to work out without music

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

Hmm, I forgot my MP3 player today and I had to go through a workout without music.  It was more of a mental struggle than usual, especially during the warm ups. 

But as I got in the groove I started feelging better and the workout actually completed quicker.

I was supposed to do a two a day today but what a good workout.  So I will take it.   I usually mention my weight and running times as goals but today I had a spot person for the bench and I did not think I could do 60lbs per side.  So 60*2 + 45= 165.  Also did 185 but just 1 rep with an assist on the second one. 

Although I do not track my weight workout, I can absolutely feel myself getting stronger.

I do not know why I felt stronger, but I did take a protein shake before my workout.

The weight gain does not bother me because I had such a good gym workout.

Weight: 250.2

Emotion Sure Does Help

Monday, April 12th, 2010

I won’t go into it in detail but sometimes people say things that just piss you off.

I don’t know if it was the coffee or the harassment, but boy did I feel like running today.  One of the reasons I run is to blow off steam, and blow off steam I did, on my way to a new record.

I started of with a warm up lap then actually did my timed two lap and finished with another lap walk.  It helped.

Time: 23:34.72

After my run I was not so tired, but emotionally was more controlled.

Wow, side note about my weight:  It is staying down.

Weight: 249.6

Busy for a Sunday

Sunday, April 11th, 2010

Slept late last night (actually this morning at 5AM).  I was up doing work and some testing.

When I woke up, I had to take care a bunch of things, like Mow the lawn, wash the cars, fix the garage door.

Also went out to run some errands with the family.  By the time I got home it was dinner time.  I did not work out till late.

My weight after my video workout was 251.0 but it did include dinner.  I will take my weight from this morning though (actually early noon) for my official weight which is more realistic.

Weight: 249.8