Oh so close

The current milestone for weight is 246.6

See below for today’s ready.  I did not have a new milestone for weight.  But pretty darn close.

But there was another milestone.  Last week I did 9 miles (actually more then that), today I did 10 miles.

I ran two four plus routes and a two lap, the total for that is google maps measures my route at about 10.96 miles

I started the entire workout at 10:52:00 AM and finished at 1:02:54, making my entire run with stop lights and rest between runs at 2 hours 10 minutes and 54 seconds.  So I averaged 11.94 MPH pretty darn good.

First 4+ was run at 47:03

Second 4+ was run at 51:32 (started at 11:42 after a short rest)

The Two Laps were run in reverse keeping it the same distance as a regular 4+ but changed the hill profile.

Originally I was going to run 1 lap at a time with a brief rest but  saw that I was at 14 minutes for the first lap and decided to push it.  I started at 12:35 and noted the clock at 1:02:54 but I actually pressed the stop button at 27:51.17

Not bad for a two lap.  Kind of neat because there was a recycling event at Renton Tech.

Conditions were ideal, it was not too cold where I had to bundle up and not too hot where it exhausted me more.  Sun was up entire route was dry.  I think this may have been the best running conditions I have encountered since I started this.  I even had a great sleep.

After the run, I get to look forward to some heavy yard work for several more hours to burn more calories.

On a side note, people seemed really nice today, they waved and in general were cordial.

Tonight I will eat a well deserved steak.

Weight: 246.8

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