
Today is Mother’s day and I really did not have a good workout.  I was going to do yoga but I got so busy during the day.  So my lack of exercise is kind of bothering me.

It shouldn’t, but let me explain why it does.  For the past few weeks my buddy Rob has been bailing out on the workouts.  I worry for him because we both signed up for a 5k, and although it is not much for me (amazing I can say that), I think he underestimates how far that is if you are out of shape.  Anyway he has been coming up with 1 excuse after another.

So I come to my dilemma, how do I determine when I am full of it myself and when I do indeed need to either take a break or simply don’t have time.

I think the thing to say up front what are valid excuses for not working out

  • Injury and Sickness – I think those are the only ones for sure I got a pass on.
  • Worked out too hard and need to heal – Sometimes, the body just needs rest.  If I have worked out for more than two hours the day before, then I get a pass.
  • Run/Race Major Athletic Event – Anything 5k or more the next day that is official, then I get a rest day to prepare for it.
  • Timezone change – Weird, rarely happens but it does, when I travel to Philippines I almost lose a day.
  • Weekend getaway/Trip where there is a strict schedule – Like Linuxfest or a seminar.
  • Work related emergency – Example is the fire at work.  Yeah I get a pass on that one.

Excuse I cannot use

  • Busy – Never an excuse, unless there is a schedule of events where I have less then 10 hours of time after.

So there you have it, we will see.

As for today, it was busy, but the reason I need to rest is the huge run I had yesterday and the vigorous yard work yesterday.

Oh yeah as an off topic side note.  Today is Mother’s day, I wish My Mom, Wife, and Mother In Law, Happy Mother’s day.

My wife wanted some bark to pretty up our property.  So I purchased 10 cubic yards and as a joke put a sign up that this is her Mother’s day gift.

Mother's day gift

Barkpile = Doghouse

And before the Internet changes things, this is Medium bark, not Steer… er… fertilizer.

She can take a joke. And to my friends, I was not in the doghouse for this.  In fact the yardwork was great family time.  Also her real gift was a bag she really wanted.

Amazingly big weight swing.  I’m not worried, I think I’ll crap it out tomorrow.

Weight: 254.6

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