Drawing inispiration from others

Today is a two a day workout, I ran a 2 mile this morning, I started out slow as usual but I really did feel my legs picking up the pace.  In the end my time was27:32.08 which is decent.

As time goes on, I feel like slowing down more and more.  I don’t feel like I can keep up the intensity, and drawing energy from myself is not enough.  Like I said this is the time I usually falter and give up.

This weekend though I met an old aquaintance, Marlen, that I have not seen for a long time and looks incredible.  Marlen has inspired me huge.  Marlen, if you are reading this, thank you.

I want people who have not seen me for a while to be shocked at how much weight I have lost.

Finally, the scale seems to help, whenever I feel like snacking or not working out, I jump on and reflect on how far I’ve come and not to waste the effort I have put in.

Weight: 259.8

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