Rice, Rock & Roll

So yesterday I purchased 3 x 10lb bags of rice and placed them on my desk at work.

First Three Bags

First Three Bags

These bags of rice represent the first 30lbs of weight I lost.  Whenever I reach the decade mark (next one will be at 250), I will purchase another bag.  If all works out there will be 10 bags by June.

Speaking of June, recall that this blog ends on June 21.  That upcoming Saturday, June 26, 2010 is the Seattle Rock and Roll Marathon.  Which a coworker named Stephanie and I are planning on running.


We are not running the full marathon, just the half.  So this marathon will culminate my 1 year weight loss epic saga.

As for the rice, it is food that would’ve kept me from losing those 100lbs and will go to someone that is more hungry and really needs it.

Weight: 256.2

9 Responses to “Rice, Rock & Roll”

  1. Steph says:

    I’m proud of you!!

  2. Amberine says:

    Hooray for you and your family! Keep up the good work!

  3. Rudy Caluza says:

    Way to go Larry! Your sense of determination and drive can be felt by many and inspire all of us toward setting goals and working hard to achieve them. Congratulations! – RudyC

  4. Diane Jensen says:

    Love your blog! You are not only a determined and focused man…your writing is great fun! So…know that we are reading and rooting with you. Diane J

  5. Terri-Ann Betancourt says:

    Wow . . . thanks for sharing your story on Compass! You can really be proud that your commitment to being healthy is paying off in many ways. This is quite inspiring. Love the idea of using a visual celebration of rice bags on your desk. Congratulations . . . !!!!!

  6. Viesta Morris says:

    Congratulations! Using rice as milestone markers is clever and a way to constantly visualize your weight loss. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Diane Campbell says:

    “Tout tout” Larry, keep going, very proud of you.

    We are what we eat aren’t we??!!

    1. if you crave a little rice, have a treat, have some brown rice instead.
    2. Are you drinking your water? at least 64 oz per day?? Squeeze some fresh lemon or lime juice in – it seems to go down easier…
    3. Are you eating the fruits of the season? Pomegranates and persimmons are fresh and abundant right now. Hope you get to try them.


  8. LaCretiah Claytor says:

    Thank you for sharing your story. Congratulations! You can do it!


  9. larry says:

    Wow, thanks all of you for your support. It is inspiring especially now where I am at a point where I am hitting a wall.

    It is hard to express the power of your words. It truly does keep me going.

    The synergy created when I share and hear stories is awesome.

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