Archive for May, 2010

Losing Willpower

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

Today I ran a 2 lap

Time: 25:17.14

and I got some gym workout this afternoon.

What’s disturbing me is that I seem to be losing that desire to push harder.  Note that I still putting in good time and my weekend run is pretty awesome but I do dread those Saturdays.

My fellow runner Lilli made a comment yesterday that I absolutely agree with.  I dread Saturdays.

Sunday I was so burned out I could not run and yesterday on the treadmill I barely could start.  Saturday’s run had a higher cost then anticipated, specifically, willpower.

I will push on though, maybe it is just  a phase.  After the half marathon, I get to tone down my workouts.

Weight: 251.0

Tough Workout

Monday, May 10th, 2010

Getting into the groove today was tough.  Normally Monday is a 5k but because of my schedule I switched it with my 1000 calorie workout Wednesday.

But judging by my performance on the treadmill, I doubt I would have had a decent time running a 5k.  Mentally I wanted to work out but when I finally started, it was so hard to get going.

Check out what I did

First was the treadmill, I tried to run for 36 minutes but I just could not.  I ended up stopping at 18 minutes and if I recall correctly burned about 300 calories.  I did run another 6 minutes and struggled mightily for a mere 73 calories.  So for this first and second treadmill attempt I would just record it as 292 Calories.
I had more luck on my first shot on the elliptical, not sure if I was warmed up are finally past my lull.  But I did burn 413 Calories in 30 minutes.
My third treadmill run was 338 calories at a low 2 incline where I ran 1.5 miles 18 min
I finished off on the elliptical for 12 minutes burning 164 calories.

In the end I did burn my 1000 calories but it was super tough.

Tomorrow is no cake since I have 2 workouts.  But at least it is split into two.

Weight: 252.0


Sunday, May 9th, 2010

Today is Mother’s day and I really did not have a good workout.  I was going to do yoga but I got so busy during the day.  So my lack of exercise is kind of bothering me.

It shouldn’t, but let me explain why it does.  For the past few weeks my buddy Rob has been bailing out on the workouts.  I worry for him because we both signed up for a 5k, and although it is not much for me (amazing I can say that), I think he underestimates how far that is if you are out of shape.  Anyway he has been coming up with 1 excuse after another.

So I come to my dilemma, how do I determine when I am full of it myself and when I do indeed need to either take a break or simply don’t have time.

I think the thing to say up front what are valid excuses for not working out

  • Injury and Sickness – I think those are the only ones for sure I got a pass on.
  • Worked out too hard and need to heal – Sometimes, the body just needs rest.  If I have worked out for more than two hours the day before, then I get a pass.
  • Run/Race Major Athletic Event – Anything 5k or more the next day that is official, then I get a rest day to prepare for it.
  • Timezone change – Weird, rarely happens but it does, when I travel to Philippines I almost lose a day.
  • Weekend getaway/Trip where there is a strict schedule – Like Linuxfest or a seminar.
  • Work related emergency – Example is the fire at work.  Yeah I get a pass on that one.

Excuse I cannot use

  • Busy – Never an excuse, unless there is a schedule of events where I have less then 10 hours of time after.

So there you have it, we will see.

As for today, it was busy, but the reason I need to rest is the huge run I had yesterday and the vigorous yard work yesterday.

Oh yeah as an off topic side note.  Today is Mother’s day, I wish My Mom, Wife, and Mother In Law, Happy Mother’s day.

My wife wanted some bark to pretty up our property.  So I purchased 10 cubic yards and as a joke put a sign up that this is her Mother’s day gift.

Mother's day gift

Barkpile = Doghouse

And before the Internet changes things, this is Medium bark, not Steer… er… fertilizer.

She can take a joke. And to my friends, I was not in the doghouse for this.  In fact the yardwork was great family time.  Also her real gift was a bag she really wanted.

Amazingly big weight swing.  I’m not worried, I think I’ll crap it out tomorrow.

Weight: 254.6

Oh so close

Saturday, May 8th, 2010

The current milestone for weight is 246.6

See below for today’s ready.  I did not have a new milestone for weight.  But pretty darn close.

But there was another milestone.  Last week I did 9 miles (actually more then that), today I did 10 miles.

I ran two four plus routes and a two lap, the total for that is google maps measures my route at about 10.96 miles

I started the entire workout at 10:52:00 AM and finished at 1:02:54, making my entire run with stop lights and rest between runs at 2 hours 10 minutes and 54 seconds.  So I averaged 11.94 MPH pretty darn good.

First 4+ was run at 47:03

Second 4+ was run at 51:32 (started at 11:42 after a short rest)

The Two Laps were run in reverse keeping it the same distance as a regular 4+ but changed the hill profile.

Originally I was going to run 1 lap at a time with a brief rest but  saw that I was at 14 minutes for the first lap and decided to push it.  I started at 12:35 and noted the clock at 1:02:54 but I actually pressed the stop button at 27:51.17

Not bad for a two lap.  Kind of neat because there was a recycling event at Renton Tech.

Conditions were ideal, it was not too cold where I had to bundle up and not too hot where it exhausted me more.  Sun was up entire route was dry.  I think this may have been the best running conditions I have encountered since I started this.  I even had a great sleep.

After the run, I get to look forward to some heavy yard work for several more hours to burn more calories.

On a side note, people seemed really nice today, they waved and in general were cordial.

Tonight I will eat a well deserved steak.

Weight: 246.8

Fast Run Ruined By MP3 player

Friday, May 7th, 2010

I think I would have hit a new milestone if I did not fuss around so much with my MP3 player during my run.  At one point I just put it away and just ran.

My time 24:03.92

I did have a gym workout that afternoon so I still burned some calories.  Overall it was a good day.

Weight: 251.0

Needed a rest day

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

Today wasn’t a tiring day, just busy.

When I got home there was still a lot of personal stuff to do.  I am so glad today was a rest day.

The weather is getting nicer and there is more daylight.  Hope it holds till I make it to the year mark.

I did run 1 and walk 1 lap.  Not that bad, it was an intentionally slow workout.

Tomorrow hope to get up for an AM run and I still have gym workout in the afternoon.

Hmm weight fluctuated up.  We’ll see how it is tomorrow morning.

Weight: 253.8

Keeping hydrated helps

Wednesday, May 5th, 2010

Today I did a 1000 calories workout

Specifically 673 calories on the treadmill while going over 5 MPH for 36 minutes, 12 minutes on the stationary bike burned 170 calories and 20 minutes on the elliptical burned 300.

Also sprinkle in some curls with the 20 and tricept extenstions.

I did try that recovery drink and I did keep hydrated.  The result was a day where I was not struggling to work.

Also helps that I had a great sleep and mentally, it was a rewarding day as I help my buddy Alison solve a complex problem regarding SSL certs.

Today was incredibly good.

Weight: 250.8

Holy smokes what a workout

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

This morning started out good for once.  I actually ran a two lap which really got my day going.  The first 1/2 lap did not look too promising but things did pick up and I had a good run time.

Time 26:06.02

But my evening gym workout is where things rocked.  I benched 3 times a 45lb a 25lb and a 5lb.  Which totaled about 195lbs. WOW.  That was a start, I really rocked my workout today.

Also purchased a new supplement and replenished my protein whey with another brand.  My buddy David recommended these.


The supplement is glut-amine supposed to help with recovery time.

And here is the new Whey I am trying out called MGM.

MRM Whey

As a final note for the day,  I stopped focusing on weight loss and am now focusing on speed, endurance and strength.  But I still think weight loss is a goal.

Weight: 251.6

Ran a 5k

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

I think since I work from home on Mondays, I will shoot to run a 5k if weather permits.

It was pretty cold and windy today but dry,

I thought my time would have been worse but I think I did alright.  In fact I beat the last 5k time I ran which was 36:57.  So its a milestone.

Run: 36:37

Still feeling the effects of drinking too much.  Yesterday’s rest was needed,  I learn me lesson, no drinking till June 21 (the anniversary of this blog)

Finally, speaking of 5K

West Seattle 5k

I am Registered

Weight: 250.8

Paying the price

Sunday, May 2nd, 2010


Yesterday I did so well, and last night I had to ruin it by drinking a lot.

Not sure if it was worth it either.  Was hung over today and could not do anything.  Just a simple workout late at night.

Anyway, I think this number is a little bloated.

Weight: 254.2